Welcome to Myagentforlife.net
Customized Solutions
Income Replacement
With established relationships with numerous carriers, we can find large coverage amounts to make sure your family has sufficient income into the future. We can help with determining what may be a proper amount of coverage to accomplish this.
Final Expense
We know that many do not have enough set aside to take care of final expenses , such as a funeral , burial , headstone and possibly probate expenses. We can help cover these or at least offset what it may cost your family if this is not something you have prepared for yet.
Mortgage Protection
Did you know that you can make sure in the event of your death that your family received enough to pay the house note? This can be set for long enough to pay it off or long enough to give them time to get life back together after your passing. you can even give them a choice for the monthly income or a lump sum option if that turns out to be more helpful!
There are so many ways to tailor coverage for each person. We know one size doesn't fit all and specialize in having enough options to find that perfect fit for your needs. We have about 30 Insurance carriers and can tailor a plan just for you.
About Us
30 Years of experience
My name is Roy Elliott and I have been "The Insurance Guy" to our community and surrounding towns here in Texas for the last 30 years. I have been both an agency owner as well as worked on the carrier side, so have a wide perspective of the markets available. I am a Certified Insurance Counselor , Certified Personal Risk Manager as well as a state licensed risk manager. We take our role in your life seriously and we are committed to finding the best insurance options for you. We are low pressure but will be very straightforward discussing the worst day that you need to plan for.
Request a Quote Below or "do it yourself" with this link" Apply Now
We can contact you with an initial quote or you can request a consultation below. Quotes cannot be guaranteed as both rates and eligibility are based on factors such as your health, smoker/non smoker and build.